
Home Services
It is planned to organize networking events for CISME members on a regular basis to provide a standard platform for members and business owners with similar ambitions to interact, share ideas, exchange strategies and explore business opportunities.
Public-Private Collaborations
As the leading pro-enterprise association in India, CISME will participate in dialogues/discussions with various government agencies on SME initiatives. CISME will invite its members to these interactive sessions for their feedbacks and information exchange between government and the industry.
CISME Awards
As a showcase and platform to recognise and acknowledge outstanding local b
usinesses, CISME will initiate an annual Entrepreneur of the Year Award to acknowledge the efforts of small business leaders.
Training, Skill Development and Capacity Development ProgrammesTraining programmes and workshops on a regular basis will be organized by CISME to enable its members and other entrepreneurs to have an avenue to enhance their capabilities and core competencies via constant training and re-training. We also intend to initiate capacity building programmes to address the challenges faced by various SME stakeholders in the current business environment.
CISME Members can also participate in trade missions organised by CISME or their partners at subsidised rates. This translates to direct savings for the company, while maximising the value of the trip when venturin
g overseas by tapping into our wide foreign business networks across the globe.
Helping SMEs to meet the ChallengesCISME will analyse the role of SMEs in India and the challenges they face in the open and competitive Business Environment.. On the basis of this analysis, CISME would plan and initiate strategic interventions to overcome the challenges for SMEs and to adapt to the same, proactively
Gearing SMEs to Adapt Modernisation of Technology and use of ICT to enhance Competitiveness
Technology is a key enabler for SMEs to maintain a competitive edge over the larger players and the global competition. CISME would help promote SMEs to adapt new technologies by offering technology related information, facilitation on technology transfer and adoption of new technologies. Special emphasis shall be given to adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for SMEs to enhance their competitiveness.